Synopsis: Following a brawl gone wrong, Jimmy Capone hastily left Chicago. Honest and hardworking, he settled in a small town in Nebraska in a less cumbersome assumed name. Quickly elected sheriff and assisted by an Indian assistant, Jimmy Capone leads life difficult for bootleggers who, in the region set up their rear base. Between police and gangsters,... Synopsis: Following a brawl gone...
Synopsis: At only 15 years, Amanda Sue Bradley has already experienced many trials: sexually harassed by her stepfather, she was driven from her home by her mother propore. After a failed marriage, she meets Billy, a sleazy character who takes him into a world of debauchery and violence. Synopsis: At only 15 years, Amanda...
Synopsis: After five years of prison, Chance barely has time to regain his former fiancée Kat it disappears after he presented his son born while he was in detention. His dream of a fresh start is badly compromised when he is forced to help his best friend Beat who owes money to a local mafia. Chance then plunges into the world of crime not previously... Synopsis: After five years of prison,...
DVD - Arsène Lupin - Edition collector / 2 DVD "Divert attention, that's the key. If you keep that in mind, nobody will ever stop you. ' These are the last words of the father of Arsene Lupin before being assassinated. This motto became the line of conduct of the young burglar who robs the aristocracy through his formidable charm. His encounter with the... DVD - Arsène Lupin - Edition...
DVD - Braqueurs In order to pay off his debts, Vincent organize a break with his longtime friends, Sonny and Dave. Once harvested booty, Vincent shoots his friends to pocket all the funds. Sonny narrowly escapes death and has only one thing in mind: revenge Vincent. He will then join Biggs, the hump of the Mafia in Detroit for the trap ... DVD - Braqueurs In order to pay off...
Synopsis: In Denver, Christian Box has the reputation of being a secret agent for the easy trigger. But when a secret mission and Tournal's wife Box is killed, the latter fled. Box is overwhelmed with loads suspended from duty on suspicion of murder ... Synopsis: In Denver, Christian Box...
Synopsis: Sin City is infested city of criminals, cops ripoux and femmes fatales. Some thirst for revenge, others seek their salvation. Welcome to Sin City, the city of vice and sin ... Synopsis: Sin City is infested city...
Synopsis: A hard-cop, a brilliant robber and a negotiator are waging a struggle without thank you during a particularly daring robbery ... Synopsis: A hard-cop, a brilliant...
DVD - Collateral - Edition spéciale / 2 DVD Synopsis: Vincent is a killer in cold calculator and pledges, to the point of his art. Max is a dreamer taxi driver, unable to take action. That fateful night, Max must lead Vincent to his new contract. One night, five stops, five targets and run. Brought together by chance and each faces the gaze of the other,... DVD - Collateral - Edition spéciale /...
DVD - DIAMANT 13 A lone cop criminal police is seen embedded in a dirty money diversion plan. A sudden he thought perfect ... DVD - DIAMANT 13 A lone cop criminal...
Description: Film, UK Time: 1h 45min. Production year: 2007 Description: Film, UK Time: 1h...
In this mind-blowing action film released in 1987 Richard Donner Mel Gibson plays a hysterical cop accompanied by a colleague (Danny Glover) more serene. This episode was the strongest of the three and probably the most interesting. In this mind-blowing action film...
Après avoir réduit en miettes un centre commercial, l'inspecteur Chan est renvoyé à la circulation. Il est rappelé pour tenter de contrer un gang qui rançonne les entreprises en menaçant de les faire sauter. Quand son amie est kidnappée, Chan est contraint de se barder d'explosifs afin de récolter les fonds pour le compte des criminels. De son côté, Chu,... Après avoir réduit en miettes un...
Michael était un jeune homme bon et un père affectueux, jusqu'au jour où son fils unique de 7 ans fut tué lors d'une fusillade entre dealers. La douleur de Michael devient intolérable lorsque les tueurs ne sont arrêtés que pour possession de drogue. Il décide alors de se faire arrêter afin de retrouver les 2 tireurs et de pouvoir exercer sa propre... Michael était un jeune homme bon et...
DVD - RISEN The extraordinary destiny...