Synopsis: New York artist with sometimes oversized egos, they are composers, lyricists, singers, choreographers, unite to create a musical Broadway show based on the life of Marilyn Monroe. Synopsis: New York artist with...
Entre l'époque, les méchants, les astuces du Docteur, les répliques de sa compagne et les rebondissements, résumer un épisode de Doctor Who de la façon la plus complète qui soit tiendrait presque du sport de haut niveau. Alors une saison entière, n'en parlons même pas. Heureusement, il existe aujourd'hui une autre solution, comme le prouve ce montage qui... Entre l'époque, les méchants, les...
Batman, with the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, continues his war against crime. Although the partnership between the three figures Gotham seems to be working, the three men will soon find themselves prey to chaos from the smartest and most terrifying criminal they never met, known as name of the Joker ... Batman, with the help of Lieutenant...
Le monde bascule dans une ère sombre lorsque l'électricité cesse soudainement de fonctionner. Sans technologie moderne, les hôpitaux, les transports et les moyens de communication ne sont plus opérationnels. La population doit réapprendre à vivre... 15 ans plus tard, la vie a repris son cours. Lentement. Sereinement ? Pas vraiment. Aux abords des... Le monde bascule dans une ère sombre...
CRIMINAL VICTIM OR, IF YOUR NUMBER APPEARS WILL FIND YOU. The machine is running for another season: Harold Finch (Michael Emerson), the billionaire computer genius, and John Reese (Jim Caviezel), a former CIA agent, must again burst prevent potential crimes . CRIMINAL VICTIM OR, IF YOUR NUMBER...
Rome takes place in antiquity: between the fall of the Republic and the creation of the Roman Empire. The series follows the lives of two ordinary Roman soldiers and their families, in parallel explores the lives of famous characters that have marked this period. A drama that mixes the intimate betrayal. Rome takes place in antiquity:...
Blu-ray - Rome: Season 2 Rome takes place in ancient times: between the fall of the Republic and the creation of the Roman Empire. Blu-ray - Rome: Season 2 Rome takes...
Joe Carroll, a diabolical serial killer uses technology to create a series of cult killers, all connected to each other while they are scattered throughout the United States. Former FBI agent Ryan Hardy, who tracked down and captured in the past, has even written a book about him and who knows the least of his wiles, was forced to resume service ... Joe Carroll, a diabolical serial...
The story of Easy Company, 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division of the US Army. Made from testimonies of survivors of Easy Company, newspapers and letters from soldiers, Band of Brothers describes the experience of these men who have both demonstrate extraordinary courage and fight against a huge fear. The story of Easy Company, 506th...
Blu-ray - Star Trek - La nouvelle génération : Saison 6 In 2363, ie a century after the debut of James T.Kirk aboard the Enterprise, a new vessel of the same name, the NCC-1701D, is inaugurated, with the captain at his command Jean- Luc Picard, a french. Since the days of Kirk, the situation in the United Federation of Planets has evolved. The Klingons... Blu-ray - Star Trek - La nouvelle...
Blu-ray - Star Trek - La nouvelle génération : Saison 7 In 2363, ie a century after the debut of James T.Kirk aboard the Enterprise, a new vessel of the same name, the NCC-1701D, is inaugurated, with the captain at his command Jean- Luc Picard, a french. Since the days of Kirk, the situation in the United Federation of Planets has evolved. The Klingons... Blu-ray - Star Trek - La nouvelle...
Blu-ray - Falling skies : Saisons 4 Six months after the invasion of Earth by aliens, a resistance group is organizing to fight the invaders, headed by Tom Mason, a former professor of research in history of his son ... Blu-ray - Falling skies : Saisons 4...
Synopsis: The Secret History, and revisited the vibrant youth of the greatest genius of all time, with the Renaissance in Florence. Brilliant and passionate, and 25, Vinci is a swordsman, an artist, an inventor, a lover, a dreamer and an idealist. This free minds to understand and almost superhuman talent, struggling to live with his own reality and sense... Synopsis: The Secret History, and...
Vinyl - Haralda – Foxy City -...