Blu-ray - Résolution 819 1995, a young police captain is sent to Bosnia to investigate the disappearance of 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica and bring those responsible before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ... Blu-ray - Résolution 819 1995, a...
In StockBlu-ray - Rogue river Torn by the recent death of his father, Mara share only in Oregon, Rogue River to scatter his ashes. While his car will not start, it agrees to be escorted by Jon Wall, a nice guy on the corner, which itself is mourning the death of his young daughter. Jon leads to his house in the woods, where he lives with his wife, Lea. Hardly... Blu-ray - Rogue river Torn by the...
In StockBlu-ray - Rescue Team A wealthy businessman financing advanced medical team will make a grim discovery.A rescue team composed of SOF is then sent to the island where the research is conducted in an attempt to rescue medical teams missing.On site, the SWAT teams and mercenaries seem to converge towards the same objective ...It becomes clear that the issue... Blu-ray - Rescue Team A wealthy...
In StockSynopsis: New York artist with sometimes oversized egos, they are composers, lyricists, singers, choreographers, unite to create a musical Broadway show based on the life of Marilyn Monroe. Synopsis: New York artist with...
In StockEn 1994, l'élection de Nelson Mandela consacre la fin de l'Apartheid, mais l'Afrique du Sud reste une nation profondément divisée sur le plan racial et économique. Pour unifier le pays et donner à chaque citoyen un motif de fierté, Mandela mise sur le sport, et fait cause commune avec le capitaine de la modeste équipe de rugby sud-africaine, les... En 1994, l'élection de Nelson Mandela...
In StockUne petite fille du centre de la France, placée dans un orphelinat avec sa soeur, et qui attend en vain tous les dimanches que son père vienne les chercher. Une chanteuse de beuglant à la voix trop faible, qui affronte un public de soldats éméchés. Une petite couturière destinée à refaire des ourlets dans l'arrière-boutique d'un tailleur de province. Une... Une petite fille du centre de la...
In StockUn monastère perché dans les montagnes du Maghreb, dans les années 1990. Huit moines chrétiens français vivent en harmonie avec leurs frères musulmans. Quand une équipe de travailleurs étrangers est massacrée par un groupe islamiste, la terreur s'installe dans la région. L'armée propose une protection aux moines, mais ceux-ci refusent. Doivent-ils partir... Un monastère perché dans les...
In StockBLU-RAY - BEYOND The story of three characters haunted by death and the questions it raises. George is an American of humble origin, multiplied by a "gift" of clairvoyance which weighs on him like a curse. Marie, a French journalist, is facing a near-death experience, and has been permanently disrupted. BLU-RAY - BEYOND The story of three...
In StockBlu-ray - Gravity (Blu-ray + Digital Ultra Violet) In his first expedition aboard a space shuttle, Dr. Ryan Stone, brilliant expert in medical engineering, accompanies the veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky. But while this is apparently a banal spacewalk, disaster strikes. When the shuttle is sprayed, Stone and Kowalsky find themselves totally alone, left to... Blu-ray - Gravity (Blu-ray + Digital...
In StockBlu-Ray - THE MAN WHO WANTED TO LIVE HIS LIFE Exben Paul has everything to be happy: a great job, a wife and two beautiful children. Except this is not the life he dreamed of. When an accident tipped his existence, he is led to assume a new identity. One that will finally allow him to live his life ... Blu-Ray - THE MAN WHO WANTED TO LIVE...
In StockBlu-ray - Of Gods and Men A monastery perched in the mountains of North Africa in the 1990s Eight French Christian monks live in harmony with their Muslim brothers. When a team of foreign workers is massacred by an Islamic group, terror settled in the region. The army provides protection to the monks, but they refuse. Should they leave? Despite the... Blu-ray - Of Gods and Men A monastery...
In StockBlu-ray - Invictus In 1994, the election of Nelson Mandela marked the end of apartheid, but South Africa remains a deeply divided racially and economically nation. To unify the country and give each citizen a source of pride, Mandela put on the sport, and made common cause with the captain of the modest South African rugby team. Their challenge: to report... Blu-ray - Invictus In 1994, the...
In StockBATMAN - LA TRILOGIE - BATMAN BEGINS, THE DARK KNIGHT - THE DARK KNIGHT RISES - 5 BLU-RAY + 1 LIVRET This box contains 3 films:- Batman Begins:While the memory of his murdered parents haunts Bruce Wayne, distraught, wanders through the world seeking the means to fight injustice and his own fears. BATMAN - LA TRILOGIE - BATMAN BEGINS,...
Out of stockBlu-ray - Gone with the Wind - 75th Anniversary Edition Scarlett O'Hara is celebrating 16 years in the sumptuous homestead Tara, Georgia.She spends her day to receive the homage of his many admirers who see it as the best party in the region. Blu-ray - Gone with the Wind - 75th...
Out of stockBlu-Ray - I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER This is the story of Alex, an eight year old who looks grow a morbid fascination for images depicting violence. He begins to develop a communication problem with his parents and other kids at school and contains little by little on himself, inventing two imaginary friends ... Blu-Ray - I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER This...
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