Que passe-t-il après avoir dit "Oui" ? La vie est telle que ces dames l'ont toujours rêvée, mais ce ne serait pas "Sex and the City" si elle ne leur réservait pas quelques surprises... cette fois, sous la forme d'une aventure glamour, baignée de soleil, les entraînant loin de New York dans l'un des endroits les plus luxuriants, exotiques et vivifiants de... Que passe-t-il après avoir dit "Oui"...
Blu-ray - The Great Gatsby (2013) (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Digital Copy) In the 1930s, a young man, Nick Carraway, settled in the suburbs of New York. His neighbor is none other than Jay Gatsby, the vast house overlooking one of Nick. Blu-ray - The Great Gatsby (2013)...
Spring 1922. The time is conducive to relaxation of morals, to the development of jazz and enrichment of bootleggers ... Apprentice writer Nick Carraway left the Midwest region to settle in New York. Wanting to share the American dream, he saw now surrounded by a mysterious millionaire, Spring 1922. The time is conducive to...
Billie and Louis have the opportunity to love passionately and have a happy family, until one day a terrible news is going to change their lives. Billie and Louis have the opportunity...
Vinyl - Haralda – Foxy City -...