Synopsis: A spaceship carrying forty civilians hit by a meteorite crashes on an unknown planet. The crew members perished in the accident, except for Fry, a young driver, and a few survivors. Among them, an imam and his followers, an antique dealer, a geologist, a teenager, the hunter Johns and Riddick, a hardened criminal being transferred to prison.... Synopsis: A spaceship carrying forty...
Synopsis: After the terrorist destruction of a federal building in Dallas, FBI agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully discover the signs of a global conspiracy. With the help of a paranoid ambiguous teacher, they will risk their lives to hunt down the deadly virus whose origin could be extraterrestrial ... Synopsis: After the terrorist...
Synopsis: In the middle of the night, an employee of the FBI was abducted from her home ... Guided by a former priest pedophile strange visions, Whitney and Drummy officers investigate. Soon, their investigation bogged down: the clues are thin and time is short. The government agency decides to remake call to Mulder and Scully. Their experience on such... Synopsis: In the middle of the night,...
Synopsis: Lincoln Six-Echo and Jordan Two-Delta live in huge underground colony governed by strict codes, which leave no room for any form of individual freedom. They know two things. The first: they will leave one day living on "the island", only habitable place on Earth, now ravaged by an ecological disaster. The second: all this is a lie ... Synopsis: Lincoln Six-Echo and Jordan...
DVD - Les Zintrus Synopsis: Tom, Jake, Bethany and their smaller cousins are on holiday in the country with their parents. One night, a strange storm hits home, and four mysterious objects landing on the roof. They are spaceships carrying aliens also surly and aggressive than ... small: the Attic. Their goal: to conquer Earth by controlling human minds.... DVD - Les Zintrus Synopsis: Tom,...
DVD - Robot Chicken - Star Wars Episode III Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III (also known as Robot Chicken: Star Wars III) is a special 2010 episode of the television comedy series Robot Chicken, and the third and final installment of the Annie Awards -winning and Emmy -nominated robot Chicken: Star Wars trilogy. It was created on Cartoon Network 's... DVD - Robot Chicken - Star Wars...
DVD - Mon chien ce héros At the age of 12 years, Owen is a happy little boy. His new dog, Hubble, is a high quality companion. Not only obeys the finger and the eye, but it also knows how to sit, lie down, stand on its two hind legs, but above all ... DVD - Mon chien ce héros At the age...
Le Cobaye (The Lawnmower Man), 1 DVD, 103 minutes Le Cobaye (The Lawnmower Man), 1 DVD,...
DVD - Twilight - Chapter 2: New Moon - Single Edition "You will see me again I will not go Pursue your life, it will be as if I never existed..." Abandoned by Edward, whom she loves passionately, Bella does not fall. How to forget her love for a vampire and return to a normal life? To fill his emotional void, Bella runs after the danger and take risks... DVD - Twilight - Chapter 2: New Moon...
DVD - BLAST On a trip, Sunny, circus performer and his cronies discover a war chest in an old laboratory of the Japanese army. DVD - BLAST On a trip, Sunny, circus...
DVD - ELYSIUM In 2154, there are two categories of people: those very wealthy who live on the perfect space station created by men called Elysium, and the rest, who live on the Earth became overpopulated and ruined. The population of Earth desperately trying to escape the crime and poverty that continue to not spread. Max, an ordinary man who reach... DVD - ELYSIUM In 2154, there are two...
DVD - After Earth After a forced landing, Kitai Raige and his father, Cypher, are found on Earth, one thousand years after humanity has been forced to evacuate the planet, driven by cataclysmic events. Cypher is seriously injured, Kitai and engages in a high-risk trip for their presence and ask for help. It will explore unknown places, face the animal... DVD - After Earth After a forced...
DVD - Scott Pilgrim Scott Pilgrim has never had a problem finding a girlfriend, but get rid of is more complicated.Between one who broke her heart - and is back in town - and the girl who serves as a distraction when Ramona enters his life - Skating - love has never been easy.He will soon realize, however, that the new object of his affection behind the... DVD - Scott Pilgrim Scott Pilgrim...